Because a healthy mind is the base for your well-being.
Helping other people to understand their minds and emotions is my greatest intention. Supporting you to find your individual way to feel better and understand yourself better is the goal of us working together.
I believe that, even though we are all human, we all have our individual percepetions and ways of digesting information, emotions and situations. Therefore I strive to support everyone that comes into my practice in their own way.
To offer that, I've been trained in person-centered psychotherapy according to Carl R. Rogers. This therapy method is a humanistic conversational method where the patient gets supported in healing him or herself. It strongly supports the work in the here and now and aims for self-actualization. Therefore an empathic, genuine and understanding setting is the base of discovering and changing your self-concept.
Additionally I practice Neurolinguistic Programming. This often gets described as a `toolbox`since it consists of different formats and got influenced by different therapeutic approaches. It is wide in its variety and can be used for different problems. My personal understanding of neurolinguitsic programming is, that it can make problems/situations/emotions more touchable and helps to visualize those. Simply said: it can help reconnect brain connections that once have been made and are now not longer needed or cause suffering.
EMDR - this is a therapeutic method with the use of eye movement. A bilateral stimulation leads to a reaction in our brains, where situations, feelings or covered memories are being activated, brought to our awareness and being reprocessed. Therefore this method is a method to create connections between feelings and cognitive knowledge, to uncover memories and to, at the same moment, process the upcoming pictures and emotions. It is a rather intense, but also highly effective method to process feelings and reduce emotional and physical distress.
You can easily book an appointment online!
Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie Katja Debusmann
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